Instrument industry profits increased by 10% in 2010

"In 2010, the instrument and meter industry's production and marketing growth of about 11%, the interval for 9%~15%; profit growth of about 10%, the interval is 8%~15%; import and export may be low, medium speed and positive growth.indicators.

"In 2010, the instrument and meter industry's production and marketing growth of about 11%, the interval for 9%~15%; profit growth of about 10%, the interval is 8%~15%; import and export may be low, medium speed and positive growth."." Referring to the development trend of the industry in 2010, Xi, a special adviser to the China Instrument and equipment industry association, gave several main indicators.

He explained to reporters, under normal circumstances, the instrumentation industry growth rate to 4 to 8 percentage points higher than the growth rate of GDP; at the same time, the growth index of the whole equipment industry this year is 15%, the instrument industry is different from the car or agricultural, slightly less.

"If there is no accident, the goal is to have confidence, because domestic demand increases gradually, while exports have bottomed out," Xi Jia become reporters detailed industry trends in 2010.

Higher than the previous year, after a steady growth of low

This year's production and marketing growth will be higher than before, lower gradually, while the steady growth of the chain, fluctuations upward. Xi Jiacheng analysis said that the current macroeconomic environment is getting better, "after last year's economic growth, the coordination of this year will gradually increase; at the same time, the state has repeatedly stressed that structural adjustment and Scientific Outlook on Development, some of the emerging industries and the transformation of demand will rise, the demand structure appeared."

"An early profit increase sharply, down month by month to the end of the year, rose, but the growth is not obvious." He further explained that because the price of factors of production was going up, the internal causes of increased profits would be put to the test. Among them, there are two main points: first, the profit recovery of foreign-funded enterprises, and two, is the growth of local enterprises continued to be greater than three capital?. "Before, the profits of foreign-funded enterprises have been far higher than those of local enterprises, and last year was a turning point. If continued, it shows that the competitiveness of local enterprises is increasing."."

Import and export will enter the "hundred million" era. Xi Jiacheng believes that this year imports will rise, an increase may return to two figures. Among these, the economic recovery accelerated, foreign products have the technical advantage and quickly adapt to the new market demand is the main reason; at the same time, exports will slow growth, estimation is a digit, which processing trade proportion will decline, increasing added value of export products.

Innovation and adjustment will be effective

In 2010, the effect of industry independent innovation and structural adjustment will be obvious.

Xi Jiacheng told reporters, "this year, independent innovation will be concentrated in three areas: Process Industry Automation (PA) to improve, factory automation (FA) rise, the improvement of scientific instruments and application development."

He believes that in the process industrial automation, this year to focus on one million kilowatts thermal power control system is successfully put into operation of ultra supercritical units, 8 million to the control system of 10 million tons refinery and ethylene project breakthrough. "As far as I know, at least two companies have already started delivery separately."."

At the same time, the field of scientific instruments will also be improved, and its application research and field segmentation services will also be strengthened. In addition to breakthroughs in traditional areas such as optical analysis, environmental testing, and flaw detection equipment, the field of scientific instruments will focus more on the quality and level of key components.

People's livelihood instruments and equipment are promising. "Consciously and unconsciously, the industry pays attention to the development prospects of people's livelihood instruments.". Some are considering a lot of development of heat meter, and I think this is correct, "Xi Jiacheng said," the Minister of the Ministry of construction of residential has made it clear that it must be used for heat metering, this area needs at least in the north than the gas meter, the market is not small, foreign companies have been the first to enter, to local enterprises high sensitivity."

The achievements of the new development field and its industrialization and scale have already begun. "Probably formed a certain climate there are three kinds of equipment, energy saving and environmental protection equipment is developed in instrumentation and detection technology on the basis of the center of technology is the measuring technology and measuring instruments; two are special materials and energy-saving materials; three is the emergency relief equipment." Xi Jiacheng said the judge.

Production process control to be advanced

For the instrument and meter industry, in the two integration, modern process control and enterprise management can be called the two major points.

"Our industry in terms of quality and reliability of a gap with foreign countries, we must solve this problem through the modern production management, production process control and the use of information technology is the foundation of modern production management," Xi Jiacheng told reporters, many enterprises with modern production management as a breakthrough to promote the integration of the two and has achieved success and this approach is gradually open to the whole industry.

"Two integration" is both "homework" and "business opportunity" for instrument and meter industry. The homework, Xi Jiacheng explained that the product development should be combined with information technology, modern production management system established from the operation start from the application of information technology.

While business means, metallurgy, electric power, petrochemical and other industries have proposed the implementation scheme of the integration of the two, the PA market has brought a lot of demand for high level; intermittent process industry in electromechanical manufacturing industry as the representative of the integration of the two, will enable the FA industry to form a huge market.

"Foreign capital utilization" has changed"

Xi Jiacheng told reporters, after the impact of this round of economic crisis, the instrument industry in the field of foreign cooperation will